
Self Employment Benefits: Asad's Facts

You can imagine last night was fun right, and you got home at 2am or 3am, or even maybe 4am, as your on your way to work which you are already late by an hour and a couple of minutes. Traffic is bad because you have been in the same spot for the last 20minutes and you can still see your house from the side mirror. Then you get that un-wanted panic call that automatically jump starts your heart beat, the boss is calling!!!!!!!
You do know very well what he's first words are going to be, "Aye, Where Are You, Just Did Two Meetings And Your Still Not In?"

Just take a minute and think fast, deep, and analyze the outcome of that one call.
- Boss is mad
- Boss is happy
- Boss will kill someone today
- **** the boss, am the damn boss
- Warning letter
- Salary deduction
 Everything you do or will do either makes your boss look bad or makes your boss look good, right? So if you feel that you got the urge to piss your boss every now and then, keep it up, your doing a good job, if you aren't into it, then why not just cut him all the B.S. drama, and quit the job.....

My theory is if anyone can work in a well organized company, then you could run your own business. Example, the mafia, its always well organized, even though they do not know how to do business, but end up being the best at it if you know what i mean. Likewise a man who is capable of working for someone else is just as capable as working for himself if he or she is well organized.

To avoid all the pain and misery, why not just be self employed? Start something small, and grow it up as you go along. And always remember that do what you like and not what others advise you to do.


Anonymous said...

i like this

Asadh2 said...

Well, thank you for liking it.....