
In God We Trust, In Man Cash Comes First : (Mr. Blue City)

A profound businessman, owns a couple of large businesses, right. He plays by the book, follows the rules, and smiles at the camera, while telling you the next big thing that will change Oman, modernization from the classic era to the modern era. A dream that looks familiar to that of our neighbors, the Emirates. My question is, sometimes something can look so real, and so perfect, yet it is only there for us to see and not feel. A city built on the northern beach sands of Oman, a city, in-fact a "BLUE CITY".

Well, i really do not feel like typing a whole lot of B.S, and story cut short is that "The Omani population was sold into an imagination while the seller was @ home calculating his income, which jackpot estimates it at $900 million. Well, if your father or mother invested in Blue City, tell them to either cash out now, or forever remain feeling the pain. Anyways everyone got to eat, and the boss want to eat well before his time is up! Remember the Ponzi Scheme & Bernard Madoff who scammed almost $400 million from his victims, well, am not saying that this is the same case, but damn it does draw a great  and similar scenario. 

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