Everyone has dreams and works 80% of his entire life to make sure he/she achieves the goals he/she has set. Others sacrifice everything and prefer to get rich quick in order to live the life of luxury, but as you can tell not all people can make it that fast. To me, that's living in the fast lane, and eventually you will run out of fuel or crash.
A hustler on other words will never think about the future, but always make money for the next day. A dollar made today is the same dollar spent tomorrow. Now imagine a hustler played his cards right and came into the game weak, a capital of 300 dollars, what could he possibly invest in?
- One year of excellent good work relations and you can roll the dice and play it safe by starting something that is legal and officially registered. Building business relations with clienteles and other businesses is good for the long run, because whenever business is slow, you can always depend on your connects to bring in something to push in a little extra income. Never make your business personal, because you will always have problems with people all around. Always try to be legit, and never mix your business with the wrong type of business, because alphabet boys are always keeping a close eye, especially if your scoring huge profits.
- Tax is always an option, for instance, in my country, if you make over $80k, then they will expect you to tax it in. You can always bypass this by opening new businesses and slowing credits coming into the business. About three years of your hard work and sweat, you eventually to create a duplicate of the business in another location, which targets a whole new market of people. You can always change the field of your business, but remember that the field you are planning to operate is profitable and not a crash point.
- Always think big, as two of my friends keep advising me, 100k and they can trade it in the stock market, yes the gains are always good but that's one of the fast lanes, and a hustler always goes slow on his roll. Try to see how you can maximize your financial incomes. Start playing the mean game, putting others out of business, killing and controlling the whole market. *Remember that tipping is not appropriate everywhere but at the same time, it makes things run smoother and faster. By controlling a strong 70% of the industry in which you operate, then bigger pictures can come into play.
- Before you start going places, you have to show that you earned it. A Bentley, Range Rover, a house on the hills, one on the beach and a pent house in the middle of the desert with a helipad on the balcony is not bad. A woman to hold you down, and a mother showered in riches. The type of mother who prefers breakfast in St. Tropez, and lunch in Madrid, and dinner in Muscat. Always keep it real.
- Never think like your idols. If 50 Cent got rich selling Vitamin Water, do not think you can sell a company of energy drinks and be a billionaire. Having your name on clothing is nice, believe me, but it is not worth the pain and stress unless you plan to put someone there on your behalf. Try and invest in Airlines, Banks, Financial Institutions, Real Estate even though the USA is facing the recession. Word of advise, its God's will that you made it, so always remember to give back to the community and to the world. Never give a person who is on his knees begging, but always help the ones who have been left behind and the world itself does not give a damn.
- In the S Class being driven around by a chauffeur, while your assistant briefly details your calendar and appointments, smoke to always release your pressure. Carry a gun if your in any African country and never carry out more money than you expect, because others may know your value and change the scene from a day of work to a day of hell.
Once again, when it comes to making money, take the issue seriously and not as a joke, because one man's fortune is another man's misery.
So hustle the wise way and keep it real always......
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