
Ahmed Totally Missed His Chance

He was coming down from work, and once he was downstairs, all attention caught his eyes, and this amazing beautiful girl came walking towards him. Thats how the story started by the way. Anyways this hot very hot extremely flaming Indian girl was with her mother and their were looking for directions. So the girl asked Ahmed if he knew where Pizza Muscat was, and at that time (Ahmed), yes Ahmed went into the 5 second shock, and quickly looked at the girl and said No.
Wait one minute, when a beautiful girl comes across you and you know that your single, you never say NO, even if you can't get the answer, you still never say NO.
Anyways he F**ked up and decided to ask some other dude if he knew where Pizza Muscat was, and later on Ahmed directed them how to get there, and the beautiful Indian girl said Thank You.........

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