I think you have heard about it, or maybe been a victim of it, but it still does not enter my freaking head at all. The word "7assid", the evil eye as how the local Arabs call it, simply means envy but with a custom touch. People keep telling me that shit like this is true, ghosts are real, yes, ghosts are real, and Casper the friendly ghost is not some super fictional character in cartoons only. This is how i'll break it down to you, if you ever do something, and people congratulate you, then they envy you! Of course they fucking envy you, Dude you just bought a car worth 200,000 Dollars, and they are still suffering from the recession that was like 2 years back. Nowadays everyone gets jealous for even the slightest thing. If your better at him/her, then they wish you bad, and maybe even get hurt and alot of drama that comes attached to to it. Well, me i do not believe all this shit, and yes i call it shit because if someone wishes you bad luck, then he must have a reason, and if his reason is just plain envy, then to hell with him.
Arabs have this thing of congratulating people for everything they do, even if they just get a simple haircut or buy a can of soda. (Yes, this is true). They also say that when you buy a car, you do the slightest thing, people are always ready to say something that might make you crash spiritually!
My words are simple, all this comes and originates from the Eastern African countries, and really to me, it's all bullshit, because if you fail, then do not blame others but yourself. Take for example you start a business, and when you do not do good, how the hell can you say that its because people are wishing for you to fail, damn right everyone is against you because you have decided to take a step forward and people never like to be left behind, but this the shit so face it and deal with it. That's why we say "In God We Trust, In People, Cash Comes First".
7assid People: The Evil Eye
In God We Trust, In Man Cash Comes First : (Mr. Blue City)
A profound businessman, owns a couple of large businesses, right. He plays by the book, follows the rules, and smiles at the camera, while telling you the next big thing that will change Oman, modernization from the classic era to the modern era. A dream that looks familiar to that of our neighbors, the Emirates. My question is, sometimes something can look so real, and so perfect, yet it is only there for us to see and not feel. A city built on the northern beach sands of Oman, a city, in-fact a "BLUE CITY".
Well, i really do not feel like typing a whole lot of B.S, and story cut short is that "The Omani population was sold into an imagination while the seller was @ home calculating his income, which jackpot estimates it at $900 million. Well, if your father or mother invested in Blue City, tell them to either cash out now, or forever remain feeling the pain. Anyways everyone got to eat, and the boss want to eat well before his time is up! Remember the Ponzi Scheme & Bernard Madoff who scammed almost $400 million from his victims, well, am not saying that this is the same case, but damn it does draw a great and similar scenario.
Insane, Applelious & Green, Custom, Complexed
Do you love apples? Do you love apples and the color green? Now do you love the color green? Well, i came to meet a wonderful lady who is self employed, love her for that, and has a sense of humor and loves green, and apples. Then later on i came to realize that she loves Costa Coffee as well, and also has one at the exact location of her office. IFA DESIGNS, excellent at making designs and everything else that fits well before a presentation and also advertising.... (Too much credit for Ifa, Hey even me am good and you said it).
I like custom things, never liked originals because everyone has access to it. If its custom, it's usually has different things or parts from the original concept. Take for example a Blackberry Bold, well everyone within limits can afford the cellphone but not everyone can have a unique model. (Special Editions are not considered custom, because they are only made for those who can pay more). And yes my love for custom items is because you stand out of the crowd, and always make the original feel useless, hated, and dull, that is why my company is custom all the way. Hey, i do not mean i will let you sit on a first class premium seat in the middle of economy class just to make the rest of the passengers look cheap....... (Just Wrong).
Had to post my friend's picture, damn the woman is lost in translation. A couple of words for you: overrated, complexed, messy, confused, happy, cheerful, up, down, almost done, 1 year's work. Asad's Picture of the month (March 2010)
Apart from the work and the meetings, i thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday all around facebook and twitter, and sms, and emails also, and the ones who called, and the family members i also had to remind. For Laith & Khalid, that will never happen again...... No matter what! I did not get any gifts meaning i do not understand why all of you bastards consider me a friend and can't get me even a can of coca-cola and please do not use that phrase "or it's because of the financial crisis and all that, it was a year back and did not affect you, and the ones who got me gifts, thank you for not getting me anything on my wish list, your useless but unfortunately truly loved and adored by me.
Self Employment Benefits: Asad's Facts
You can imagine last night was fun right, and you got home at 2am or 3am, or even maybe 4am, as your on your way to work which you are already late by an hour and a couple of minutes. Traffic is bad because you have been in the same spot for the last 20minutes and you can still see your house from the side mirror. Then you get that un-wanted panic call that automatically jump starts your heart beat, the boss is calling!!!!!!!
You do know very well what he's first words are going to be, "Aye, Where Are You, Just Did Two Meetings And Your Still Not In?"
Just take a minute and think fast, deep, and analyze the outcome of that one call.
- Boss is mad
- Boss is happy
- Boss will kill someone today
- **** the boss, am the damn boss
- Warning letter
- Salary deduction
Everything you do or will do either makes your boss look bad or makes your boss look good, right? So if you feel that you got the urge to piss your boss every now and then, keep it up, your doing a good job, if you aren't into it, then why not just cut him all the B.S. drama, and quit the job.....
My theory is if anyone can work in a well organized company, then you could run your own business. Example, the mafia, its always well organized, even though they do not know how to do business, but end up being the best at it if you know what i mean. Likewise a man who is capable of working for someone else is just as capable as working for himself if he or she is well organized.
To avoid all the pain and misery, why not just be self employed? Start something small, and grow it up as you go along. And always remember that do what you like and not what others advise you to do.
Birthdays Suck As You Age!!!
What, am only 23, or should i say just turned 23, have a million friends everywhere, and yet every year the number of birthday friends reduce..... Ahh like i care anyways. As long i got the ones who love me, and a couple of friends here and there, then it's all good. Well, March 8th and i just turned 23, i am still young, as people would consider, got my life on track, 2 companies afloat, one started well, the other still pending until further notice, broke half the time, Costa Coffee all the time, drinking coffee and blogging. Chilling with friends, Me and Amri playing Pro Evolution Soccer on PS3, even though he's better, insane calls that come up every morning on my cell phones. Beautiful girls who always check me out at the traffic lights, even though the Suzuki is old, and the Yaris is small, to me, this is just a small fraction of my dot com life. So when your birthday comes around, you are always surprised to see new faces, old faces, rich, poor, 50/50 people. In short, everyone you know. But as years go by, you tend to discover that the circle of friends you had 10 years back are not the same, either you have new friends, and the old ones have moved on, but the friends that never leave you are the ones you consider as family and really close friends..... Anyways it does bring joy and happiness and to me it's better than being around many people you do not know blowing candles on a cake that no matter how little you eat it, the cream is just too much..............
This is how i Celebrate my Birthday, i tell myself Happy Birthday Asad